Bittleston, Adam - über
Adam Bittleston
Adam Bittleston (1911-89)
wurde 1911 in Ockley, England, geboren und studierte Philosophie, Politologie und Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Oxford.
Seit 1935 war er Priester der Christengemeinschaft und neben seiner Gemeindetätigkeit als Autor und Herausgeber tätig.
Adam Bittleston, ein Meister der englischen Sprache, gehörte zu dem literarischen Kreis um William Golding, J.R.R.Tolkien, Owen Barfield und anderen.
Er starb am 25. Mai 1989.
Adam Bittleston (1911-89) was an ordained priest of The Christian Community, a movement for religious renewal founded in 1922 with the help of the philosopher and founder of anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner. This book is the first biography of a fascinating and influential individual.
From his student days in Oxford Bittleston was a close friend of William Golding, author of Lord of the Flies, and this book draws on Golding's unpublished journal. Bittleton was also very gifted with the written word, as well as being a much sought after spiritual counsellor. His wife, Gisela, once wrote that his 'main interest was to help people sort out their destiny.' His knowledge of Shakespeare was equal to that of any academic or writer of his time and most of his books and articles draw deeply on Shakespeare's work.He was also recognized as one of the foremost theologians of the Christian Community in Britain.
He was able to translate spiritual ideas into modern life and in keeping with modern times, and was the author of several books, including and Meditative Prayers for Today (1953), The Spirit of the Circling Stars (1975), Our Spiritual Companions (1983), The Seven Planets (1985), Loneliness (1987) and Counselling and Spiritual Development (1988).